Original Post by Candice Nertney
Description by Grill’d: For Veg and Veg 2.0’s, we’re meating [hmmm] you more than half way with the Veggie Vitality burger: a beetroot, sweet potato, spinach and quinoa patty, layered with avo, pineapple, carrot and cos lettuce – just coz. You can thank nutritionist Lola Berry for that one, plus a few more in the Loved by Lola menu edit.
If you are on a computer, you can read more Vegan ACT group posts about Grill’d here.
Verdict: We recommend you ask for tomato relish to have in this yummy and very filling burger. We also reckon the avocado and pineapple are key flavours in this burger so if you aren’t a fan of them both then try them with both or get something else :). You also might like to annotate the parts of their paper menus mentioning their ‘ethical’ meat by writing ‘See: aussiefarms.org.au’ then pop them back in the menu box :).
Good news!: Grill’d seem to have rebranded and removed their dodgy signs featuring a photo of a cow with a “HELLO My name is Delicious” sticker over it as discussed here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VeganACT/permalink/1653154228292488/
and here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154452983384305&set=o.282025455528&type=3
and even more here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VegansInAustralia/permalink/885489831580650/