Mini Raspberry Choc TartsRecipe by Nina Vee

I made these for my MIL 60th birthday party, last Saturday. They were hugely successful and several non-vegan people asked for the recipe. So perhaps it’s worthy of sharing here… Nina x

3 cups desiccated coconut
15 medjool dates, pitted
1 heaped tbsp cocoa/cacao/carob powder

  • You will need 2 mini cupcake trays. Place silicone mini cupcake cases in 36 of the holes.
  • Place all ingredients in the food processor.
  • Blend, at high speed, until the mixture looks like fine sticky crumbs. This will take a few minutes, be patient.
  • Scoop dessert spoon portions of crust into the base of each mini cupcake case.
  • Use your fingers to press the crust into the bottom and sides of the cases.
  • Pop in the freezer, or fridge, to set (maybe 20 minutes).

Ganache Filling
200g of 72% cocoa chocolate (I used ‘Whittaker’s Ghana’)
270ml canned coconut cream (I only use ‘Ayam’ brand)
1 cup frozen raspberries, blitzed in a mini food processor
1 tsp vanilla (or raspberry) extract
shredded coconut, to top (optional)

  • Whack the, still wrapped, block of chocolate against the bench top a few times, to help break it up.
  • Unwrap the chocolate and using a large, sharp knife, cut it into small pieces.
  • Place chopped chocolate into a medium sized saucepan.
  • Shake the can of coconut cream well. Empty it into the saucepan. Scrape the can out well, as coconut cream has a tendency to cling to the can walls.
  • Add in the blitzed raspberries.
  • Simmer, over a low heat, stirring constantly, until the chocolate melts.
  • Once melted, remove from heat and whisk in the vanilla (or raspberry) extract.


  • Remove the now set tart cases from the fridge.
  • Use a teaspoon to portion the filling into each crust. (There will be a little ganache left over. Pop in a small container, in the fridge and devour with a spoon once cold.)
  • Pop the mini tarts into lidded containers.
  • Sprinkle with coconut, if desired.
  • Secure the lids on the containers and return to the fridge ’til needed.

Makes 36 mini tarts