Found by Tracey Lofthouse

Ban the racing:  After ABC-TV’s definitive exposure of the cruelty we have always known occurs in greyhound racing, the industry will express shock and dismay for about five minutes before resuming business as usual. Animal welfare will always run a poor second to profit; the only way to eliminate cruelty in racing – greyhounds or thoroughbreds – is to ban it outright.  –  Gaynor Morgan, Braddon au/comment/ct-letters/ political-scalps-dont-lower- rates-20150218-13ifri.html

It seems that it takes the exposures of a systematic torture of animals, such as engaged semi-officially in practice by the greyhound racing industry in the eastern states (despite eternal denials officially), to bring the words “self-regulation does not work, because of obvious conflicts of interest” out of a politician’s mouth and onto our airwaves, like this morning in the aftermath of the shocking Four Corners report on Monday   night.

It also naturally does not work in the building industry, which would just possibly account for the near guarantee of fairly shocking faults hidden in newly completed apartment blocks inspected and certified by people recurrently selected and paid for these purposes by the developers themselves. Simple, no?

But we are yet to hear a word of acknowledgement of this inconvenient truth from ACT and NSW politicians. Indeed, in the ACT,  Andrew Barr, who in his previous (and actually, current) portfolio oversaw such an unscrupulous industry, has now been promoted to Chief Minister.

They say we get the politicians we deserve. Are we really so abysmal? – Alex Mattea,  Kingston au/comment/ct-letters/ inconvenient-truth-of- selfregulation-20150219- 13jlzq.html

Greyhound racing:  I was pleased to see Wednesday’s editorial (“Greyhound racing faces dark days”, Times2, February 18, p2) as this is a serious matter that needs full investigation. I especially support the editor’s last paragraph suggesting that ‘firm, concrete action is now required’ otherwise, ‘governments could be pressured and ultimately persuaded to ban greyhound racing altogether’.

It is encouraging to see that the responsible ACT Minister is taking appropriate action. We look forward to hearing about the outcome of [Joy] Burch’s discussions at the next meeting with her interstate colleagues. I will also be interested to know if she is able to obtain assurances from other states that greyhounds racing here have not been trained using live bait. Of course, a significant issue raised is the lack of funding of the RSPCA to provide for policing activities and it is to be hoped that the ACT government will do more to assist in this and their other vital work.

It is difficult to comprehend the animal cruelty involved in the live bating of greyhounds and that it has been happening in this ‘civilised’ country of ours.  – Jack Barlow, Curtin au/comment/ct-letters/ governments-duty-to-tax- sufficient-revenue-for- services-20150220-13ksu3.html

All honour to Animal Liberation, Animals Australia and Four Corners for exposing the hideous cruelty that is rife in the greyhound racing industry (“Animals used as live bait by greyhound racing figures“, February 17). Let us hope that charges, convictions and appropriately severe prison sentences will follow.
All humane Australians should support the selfless actions of such activists and oppose in every way we can, including at the ballot box, the attempts that have been made from time to time to criminalise covert surveillance of such barbarities. – Robin Margo Macmasters Beach

Animal welfare will always come a poor second to profit. It’s about time greyhound racing went the way of dog fighting and bear baiting. – Gaynor Morgan Braddon (ACT)

I imagine I am one of many who slept fitfully last night after viewing Four Corners. Watching people derive pleasure from inflicting unspeakable cruelty upon bound, defenceless animals in the name of sport putrefies that sport irreparably. Greyhound racing clearly lacks the implied or express codes of fairness we expect in all sport. How could it when the actual money-makers of the industry, the animals, must either die in excruciating agony or kill to stay alive?  – Jacinta McManus Rozelle

Having watched as much of the Four Corners expose of the greyhound industry as I could stomach, two things became obvious. Greyhounds, being some of the sweetest dogs you could ever meet, are being unfairly tainted and those vile beings who torture poor defenceless animals must be banned for life from ever having anything to do with the  industry.
Even better would be a complete ban on this appalling sport, thereby saving hundreds of poor puppies that don’t make the grade that are disposed of each year, and the unimaginable suffering of all those poor defenceless animals being mauled to death on a lure. – David Mackenzie North Sydney

In response to the Four Corners report on live baiting in the greyhound racing industry, Adam Wallish, chief executive of Racing Victoria, claims it’s only a “small minority” involved in illegal practices. As it happens, there were so many of the celebrities of the sport on camera that it looked like its annual awards night. They weren’t picking up trophies, however, they were strapping baby animals to sticks so they could watch their dogs shred them alive. Mate, get a grip. – James Buckman Enmore

The ABC’s Four Corners program showed the illegal use of live animals as bait for the training of greyhounds. There are just no words to describe those people who make millions of dollars by the use of utter cruelty and animal torture.
The ABC was able to find these cases of live baiting, yet Greyhound Racing NSW and the NSW government’s report into the greyhound industry last year, seemed unable or unwilling to.
Not touched in the program was the widespread use of drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines on dogs, nor the routine killing of thousands of greyhounds when they are unable to perform or are simply too old to do so.
This industry – one that is vocally supported by the LNP, ALP and the Shooter and Fishers Party – is so totally bereft of morality that it makes you wonder what place it has in our society at all.  –  Judy Hungerford Crows Nest

Will the Labor state governments show the same resolve and rapid action and ban greyhound racing, as did the Gillard government in 2011 when it immediately banned live cattle export to Indonesia following a similar Four Corners expose?  –  Alan Slade Dover Heights

A few years ago I treated a man who had anaemia and required EPO injections (to regulate red blood cell production). He was a greyhound trainer from the Illawarra. “I know all about EPO ’cause we give it to the dogs,” he told me. Then I told him he’d need iron injections to boost the effect of the EPO.
“We give that too, it also makes then go faster,” he said.
I was flabbergasted. It seems that healthy greyhounds being subject to the full range of the medical pharmacopoeia is also part of the racing industry.  –  Dr Elliott Savdie, Darlinghurst

Greyhound racing officials know live baiting has always been part of the sport, so turn a blind eye. Magistrates have the answer; jail the lowlifes who torture terrified creatures. No fines.   –  Joe Payne, Coogee smh-letters/put-animal- abusers-on-fast-track-for- prison-20150217-13gyd3.html

Greyhound racing shows dark side:  I wish I was a fly on the wall when those upstanding individuals in the greyhound racing industry look their children and grandchildren in the eye and justify how they torture small defenceless animals for money  (“Ban greyhound racing: the reasons are compelling”, February 18). And don’t think the greyhounds themselves are beloved pets either – they are sacrificed too, whenever necessary.  In some ways we have not progressed much since the Dark Ages.  –  Lin Sinton Killarney Heights

I find it passing strange that we are outraged at the cruelty visited on defenceless animals to “blood” greyhounds, while largely ignoring the plight of children held in detention on Christmas and Manus islands. We Australians are a weird mob.  –  Andrew Thompson, Chatswood West smh-letters/past-generosity- should-not-be-a-bargaining- chip-with-indonesia-20150218- 13hxqy.html

Ban the ‘sport’:  I would love to see greyhound racing completely banned in Australia. It may be a $144 million-a-year industry, but it’s such a shockingly cruel, “so-called” sport (“Trainers suspended over live bait for greyhounds”, February 15).  – Carolyn Wills Cremorne smh-letters/bishop-beware- 20150221-13jrr9.html

UNNECESSARY DEATHS:  I gave up supporting the racing industry long ago. The tragic outcome of the last two Melbourne Cups has just vindicated my position. I hope the industry and its supporters acknowledge the devastating and unnecessary deaths of both Admire Ratki (2014) and Verema (2013). RIP.  –  Chris Doyle, Gordon