Submit a recipe

We welcome contributions to our website. Please fill in the form below with your own recipe and we’ll seek to approve it asap. If you would like to recommend a link to an existing recipe on the web, please use our 'Pin a link' form.

* indicates required field
For verification purposes only. This will not be included on the site.
If the recipe is entirely your own, just '[Your name, Vegan ACT Member]' is fine. However, if you have adapted a recipe, please put something like: '[Your Name, Vegan ACT Member] adapted from [name of book]' or '[Your name] adapted from [Website url]'
You may include youtube urls if you wish.
Please put one ingredient on each line.
Type of meal, main ingredient. eg. Main, Soup, Sweet Potato

Acceptable file types: pdf,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 2mb.