Last week, we learned of the passing of our dear friend, Bede Carmody.
We’ve spent the week sharing our memories and reflecting on the incredible life and astounding contributions of this passionate, gentle Human – and remembering A Poultry Place, the world he created with his heart and hands, over 20 years ago, through the years it was Home to thousands of some of the most vulnerable animals in our society.
Bede was an inspirational figure in the animal liberation and vegan communities, but not only was Bede a champion for the feathered and furry, he was a dedicated advocate for mental health, human rights, LGBTQ+ rights and more.
Over the years, A Poultry Place allowed Vegan ACT to arrange around 20 working bees -where the vegan-curious, the seasoned and baby vegans alike were all welcomed into the home of Bede and the Residents to learn about and connect with the animals, an invaluable experience – all in exchange for just a few hours assistance with daily tasks.
It was over the course of these small events that we came to know and love Bede as the warm, supportive and giving friend and mentor that he was – to so many – something we’ll forever feel immense gratitude for.
Today we remember Bede, his little Land of Make Believe: A Poultry Place and all its Residents – and we ask you to remember them too. Here are some ways we can all share, contribute and learn in Bede’s honour.
Contribute – If you can, please donate to the care of Bede’s residents who have all been safely rehomed by amazing sanctuaries: Little Oak Sanctuary, Whisker Woods Sanctuary, Edgar’s Mission as well as a private animal rescue in this fundraiser organised by Animal Liberation ACT and Animal Defenders Office
Learn – Hear Bede’s story and be inspired by his work towards creating a more compassionate world