I recommend nuts and seeds to the majority of my vegan clients. Nuts and seeds are energy dense foods rich in bioactive macronutrients, micronutrients and phytochemicals. Some vegan health professionals …
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Where do you get your protein? by local accredited dietician/nutritionist, Linda Smillie (BSc, Grad Dip Nut Diet)
A well planned vegan diet can easily supply your daily protein needs. Legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, plant-based milks and vegetables are all good sources of protein. However a vegan diet …
Protein and Vegan Diets – by local accredited dietician/nutritionist, Linda Smillie (BSc, Grad Dip Nut Diet)
A well planned vegan diet can provide all the nutrients you need for good health. “But where will you get your protein from?”, we hear them say! Protein is a …
Vitamin B12
Anyone who is vegan or getting close should be taking a vitamin B12 supplement or suitably fortified foods. Do some reading about nutrition, for example www.veganhealth.org and Becoming Vegan by …